Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Singing The Earth

Today started out cold, windy and wet. It is supposed to be warm and sunny with overtones of spring to help us transition from the winter blahs. Earth Day should allow us to head outside and dig in the garden or watch the birds prepare their nests. The heater has been on and off and then on again. No wonder even the birds and the trees are confused. But as the day progressed, spring arrived. The sun came shining through the clouds and the whole city came alive with walkers and joggers. Kids ran around at recess time and I actually got to go for a walk along the riverfront.

The gentle lapping of the water on the Detroit River, the sighing of the wind, the many different calls of birds, and the droning bees all reminded me that today, we celebrate the Earth.

Music comes in all shapes and sizes and in all sorts of sounds. As I listened to the city sounds mixed with the sounds of nature, they made a unique symphony that transported me to another place and time. It was as if I could feel the earth starting its journey of rejuvenation, calling out for us to listen and to participate. My spontaneous reaction was to sing!

Now, you have to understand that when I open my mouth to sing, anyone in hearing distance usually asks me to shut up. The reason – I sing like a frog! I am told that I could sing Basso Profundo with a male choir – so it is not a necessarily beautiful sound. But I had no choice today. The sounds of the earth demanded that I sing. The best part was that as I started humming and singing, a couple of walkers joined me. No, they were not laughing! They too felt the call. Our sounds wove together much like the threads of a tapestry to form a connection with each other and with the earth.

Our faces lifted to the sun, our voices rising and falling like the lapping water murmuring beside us, created a bridge, not only between ourselves but with all those who have passed this way over the years of the Earth and those who have yet to sing their song. How many others have stood where we stood and felt compelled to sing the earth? How many others will come to this place at other times and feel the same way?

As we finished our song, we shyly turned to each other with a smile and a wave and continued on our separate courses. For that shining moment, the music of our hearts, the music of the city, the music of nature and the music of the earth were one. Could there have been a more unique and memorable way to celebrate Earth Day. Mayhaps, the future will bring more opportunities to sing the beauty of the earth

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